Ben Salem United Church of Christ
Ben Salem United Church of Christ
Blanket Makers / Quilters
The Blanket Makers and Quilters meet on Thursday mornings starting at 9 AM at the Social Hall. Anyone is welcome to come and join them.
Quilters Group
The Quilter’s Group of Ben Salem will do quilting for others.
You supply the top, batting, backing, and thread.
For a Donation of: King or Queen $150.00, Full or Twin $100.00
If we have to mark the quilt, it’s an extra charge of $50.00. Also if we bind it, there will be an extra charge of $50.00.
Contact Doris Lusch, Shirley Frantz or Barbara Snowberger
Prayer Shawl Ministry
500 Prayer Shawls given at Ben Salem United Church of Christ
On Feb. 11, 2007 the Prayer Shawl Ministry started with a small group of people. During the month of February 2013, the prayer shawl ministry reached the total of 500 shawls made and given. That’s 500 times that the LOVE OF GOD and the prayers of people of Ben Salem have been shared with others. Each shawl is a blend of prayers, talents, gifts and grace. A thank you to all who have given of their time, talent, prayers, gifts of yarn and those who have delivered them. We all have been blessed with this ministry. May we continue to share our prayers and talents with others. May God bless all. The Prayer Shawl Committee is in need of helpers to make the prayer shawls. If you can knit or crochet and would like to help, please contact the church office for more information.