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Schedule of Events

September 5th  7:00PM Cemetery Meeting

September 6th  6:00PM Youth Group meeting on the playground at church

September 10th 6:00PM Stewardship and Finance Meeting September 16th Noon Fundraiser Meeting

                                7:00PM Church Board Meeting

September 19th 7:00PM Property Meeting


Coffee Hour begins on September 8th.


A sign-up sheet to host coffee hour is located in the narthex


Sights and Sound Theatre Trip – “Daniel”


Sponsored by the Youth Group

July 27 3:00 Showtime


Adult Tickets - 13 and up $130 with Charter Bus Child Tickets- 3 to 12 years of age - $80 with Charter Bus

Children under 2 Free with Charter Bus (Child must sit on a guardian’s lap during show


Total Due: Please Make a Check Payable to Ben Salem Youth Group


Please reserve your ticket by May 31, 2024.


Please contact Tammy Beidleman with questions 570-778-9186.

  • Bus Departures from Ben Salem Church at 10:00 am

  • Lunch Reservations to be announced.

  • Lunch is not included in price.

  • Arrival Time at Sights and Sounds Theater will be 2:00 pm

  • Collection for Driver tip will be collected the day of the trip.

  • Suggested amount $5.00 per person.

  • Show will start at 3:00 pm

  • Charter Bus will depart from Sight and Sounds at approximately 5:45 pm

  • Charter Bus will arrive at Ben Salem Church at approximately 7:45 pm 


ROOF Capital Fund Campaign


Envelopes marked Roof Fund will be available near the display in the narthex for you to use to donate money toward this project. Please be sure to fill in the outside of the envelope so that your donation is added to your account with the church. You may then simply put that envelope in the Sunday collection plate. If you donate online or want to mail a donation to the church, make certain that you include your name, amount of the donation and that you are stipulating it for the Roof Fund.


Let's work together to reroof God's house so that we may congregate here and continue to sing His praises and share His message and blessings for generations to come! 

Ben Salem Church T-Shirts, Sweatshirts & Hooded Sweatshirts are available 

  • T-shirts - $10
  • Sweatshirts - $15
  • Hooded Sweatshirts - $20

Sharon Elder is in charge of this project.

Adult & Children sizes…orders can also be placed if your size is not available.

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